Amberdata Report June 2024 | Page 6

“ When researching , what I found was a lack of interesting data analytics to help me understand beyond the white papers I was reading . You can read a white paper , but what ’ s really happening ? There wasn ’ t much in the way of data insights available .”
This was the genesis for Tongtong to establish Amberdata , alongside fellow Co-founder Shawn Douglass .
“ We felt there was a significant gap in the market to provide the much-needed tools and resources for people to understand what is happening with smart contracts and token economics ,” says Tongtong .
“ We wanted to provide the insight for what is driving these transactions – that ’ s how Amberdata was started .”
Amberdata COO : The perfect role Although Tongtong ’ s responsibilities shift with the immediate needs of the day , she admits she loves what she does .
“ I subscribe to the phrase ‘ Love what you do and you ’ ll never work a day in your life ’, because my role at Amberdata really feels that way .
“ I ’ m still learning to this day ,” she adds , “ whether it ’ s about various protocols or new data insights . I love providing insightful data to our customers and that ’ s where my comfort zone is . That ’ s what I love to do .”
Becoming COO of Amberdata also provided Tongtong with the next step professionally , having hit a ceiling in her previous role as a VP engineer . “ I didn ’ t know where to go from my last position ,” she says . “ How do you come across the chasm from running an engineering team focused on data and backend processing , to understanding more about the product side of business , sales and operations ?

“ You have to be agile enough to gravitate to whatever needs your help the most , jump in and solve the problems you need to solve ”

Co-founding Amberdata proved the perfect next step for Tongtong , though . “ Being a startup co-founder , there are so many jobs for you to do , and that gives you a great opportunity to expand your skill set and learn new things . For me , that ’ s the best part of the role .”
Exploring Amberdata : Delivering digital assets data Founded in 2017 , Amberdata has since grown to become the most comprehensive digital assets data and analytics provider in the industry today .
Today , the company is connected to all top centralised exchanges , whether it ’ s in spot , futures or options . “ We provide very deep and broad data sets from these trading venues , to help a customer understand liquidity , understand price , especially on the options analytics for impled volatility ,” notes Tongtong .
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