Amberdata Report June 2024 | Page 9

“ I subscribe to the phrase ‘ love what you do and you ’ ll never work a day in your life ’, because my role at Amberdata really feels that way ”

Today , more and more financial institutions are valuing high-quality data because – as put by Tongtong – “ if you ’ re making decisions with low-quality data , you ’ re either lucky or you ’ re wrong ”.
She continues : “ This is especially true for digital assets . That ’ s because when things are happening on-chain it ’ s radically transparent – more so than any other financial instruments out there .
“ If you ’ re trading , blockchain technology enables you to P & Ls transactions in real-time , that ’ s the power of blockchain . Understanding digital assets can be quite intimidating for some , that ’ s why we exist , to bring together disjointed data in a normalised way .” amberdata . io 9