Ark Data Centres November 2024 | Page 15

ARK DATA CENTRES comprehensive approach involves addressing not just direct emissions , but also the complex web of indirect emissions known as Scope 3 .
Pip emphasises the importance of understanding the different scopes of emissions : “ We need to get very clear about Scopes 1 and 2 . Scope 1 are all the emissions that we have direct control of , and the ones that are really important are greenhouse gas emissions . We ’ ve designed our buildings to minimise these and if we can design them out entirely , we do .”
Scope 2 emissions , meanwhile , entail the electricity that data centre operators consume from their suppliers . “ We buy all the electricity for our customers and report those Scope 2 emissions as part of our own ,” Pip explains . “ Our customers then report their electricity use as part of their scope three emissions because we provide it as a service .”
This distinction is crucial to avoid doublecounting and to ensure clear reporting across the supply chain . Pip notes : “ If we end up with me reporting utility electricity as Scope 2 and our customers doing the same , we ’ ve immediately double counted . We need to make sure people understand where the scoping sits within the supply chain .”
When it comes to Scope 3 emissions , Pip acknowledges the challenges involved , particularly in the supply chain . “ Our supply chain is the area we need to concentrate on , both in terms of greenhouse gases and the circular economy . Getting suppliers educated is really important . But it ’ s hard because they ’ re often forced to focus on the lowest price . If you are constantly pushed on price , you ’ re not going to spend time working on your carbon footprint . Nevertheless , we continue to work with our suppliers on reducing their emissions by aligning our net zero carbon plans to strategically meet a collective reduction in supply chain carbon
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