B4B Payments Report July 2024 | Page 15

B4B PAYMENTS as our banking licences and we can scale BIN sponsorship , we will be uniquely positioned to offer American companies payment rails back to Europe . And that , I think , will help us explode .”
Managing Partners and Complexity By achieving the scale B4B Payments has while meeting its growth plans for the future , the fintech has and will continue to rely on the right strategic partnerships to ensure growth is sustained .
For the company , “ partnerships are essential ,” and come in two categories , explains Lawlor .
“ We ’ re a B2B , but what we ’ re really like is a B2B2B . Our job is to support our clients who are like partners – as best we can . Many of our partners are focused on niches or industries , and it ’ s our job to see how they scale .”
B4B Payments ’ channel partners are highly experienced and established in their respective industries . While they excel at managing their core business operations and customer relationships , they often find it challenging to handle payments and banking tasks , which are crucial for their smooth functioning .
“ If they succeed and scale effectively , the knock-on effect for us is that we do too ,” continues Lawlor . “ So , for us , it ’ s about supporting them as best we can , making sure we offer them new and correct products and services , all the while helping them become more efficient . Here , incremental growth is mutually beneficial .”

“ We ’ re a B2B , but what we ’ re really like is a B2B2B . Our job is to support our clients who are like partners – as best we can ”

Lawlor says that , on the other hand , the company ’ s partnerships extend to the stakeholders in the ecosystems it works with . “ From an issuing perspective , that would be the likes of Mastercard and Visa , as well as our partners on the BIN sponsorship side and our issuer processors . There are card bureaus too , and of course , we work with and are part of Banking Circle , which provides us with banking services .”
Each of these partnerships is as important as the next , whether on the client side or if they provide B4B Payments with a service .
“ All of these partnerships are important because , ultimately , we will all grow together ,” Lawlor adds . “ It ’ s mutually beneficial opportunities that you ’ re sharing , working to develop new , exciting and leading products to take to market . All these things combined are what is going to give us that growth and scale .”
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