CVS Health Report September 2024 | Page 14

unique features that would make our operation more efficient , and were the first to integrate AutoStore and Tompkins Robotics .”
“ Our AutoStore and Tompkins Robotics solutions have exceeded our business case , driving both productivity and quality . We are currently in phase two and expanding our AutoStore and Tompkins Robotics systems in New Jersey to distribute additional categories to the Northeast ,” said Dan .
Jamie adds that Bastian “ understood it ’ s about creating simplicity , and how people and processes and technology complement one another ”.
He continues : “ Technology can ’ t be successful without the right people and processes . It ’ s never just about the technology but rather , it ’ s about listening to colleagues and customers , and understanding what the problems are .”
Innovating across the network The innovation doesn ’ t end there , for CVS Health is also modernising other distribution centres across its network .
“ Over the past two years we ’ ve rolled out pick-to-voice with Lucas Systems ,” Jamie reveals . “ We ’ ve really modernised the picking process , which is now becoming intuitive , being driven by a pick-to-voice that can speak multiple languages to our colleagues , who interact via a touchscreen . It ’ s easy to learn and it ’ s been eagerly adopted by our colleagues .”
Dan , Jamie , Mario and their supply chain colleagues have had to rise to numerous and sizable challenges in recent years , and their success as a team is something Mario feels is “ very special ”.
“ The most rewarding aspect of my role is the interactions with my team ,” he says . “ They ’ re a wonderful group of people – incredibly smart , very talented and hardworking , and we have a lot of fun !”
He adds : “ It ’ s pretty amazing to see the work my colleagues in supply chain and logistics put in , day in , day out , to make
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