Elea Data Centers Report January 2025 | Page 6

AI and cloud demand : Remaining competitive Demand for AI and cloud services continues to increase across the data centre industry , which is inevitably creating significant challenges for operators .
Currently , Elea Data Centers has nine facilities running in Brazil , operating across five different states . Elea ’ s is the only geographically differentiated platform in Brazil , with most other companies just operating in the São Paulo-Rio market .
“ Our clients have demands that appear unexpectedly and they need services immediately , which can be challenging in terms of planning ,” Alessandro explains . “ The real challenge is being able to plan where demand is going in these times .”
He adds : “ We operate in other markets because we believe that digital infrastructure needs to be geographically spread . Especially because of latency and also with AI , you really need to have compute capacity closer to the population .
“ We understand how unique Brazil is in terms of green energy capacity and therefore we operate green data centres .”
As a result of these developments , the company has witnessed significant increases in demand for disruptive technologies . When it comes to AI in particular , Elea Data Centers is making sure it is remaining competitive within the industry by being flexible amid rapid growth .


With over two decades of experience in private equity , corporate finance and business development , Alessandro Lombardi leads Elea Data Centers , Brazil ’ s leading provider of sustainable digital infrastructure and colocation services .
As President of Elea , Alessandro continues to drive innovation and sustainable growth in the Latin American digital infrastructure sector as a visionary leader . He is also the founder and CEO of Piemonte Holding , a diversified investment firm that partners with global institutions like Goldman Sachs .
Alessandro has successfully executed numerous M & A transactions and raised capital for businesses in the digital infrastructure , defense and technology sectors .
Passionate about creating value and impact through his investments , Alessandro is a board member of PUC-Rio , the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro and EARJ , the American School in Rio de Janeiro , demonstrating his commitment to education and community development .
He holds a graduate degree in Economics and Business Administration from Luiss Guido Carli University and he has studied the History of Philosophy and Art at prestigious Italian universities .
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