Eviden Report June 2023 | Page 11

an ongoing challenge . This is often new territory for most companies and they struggle holistically to get their arms around how best to tackle this disruptive change . Not to mention the evolving global regulatory and compliance landscape .
“ You ’ d be surprised how many mission critical things still run on a mainframe ,” Sinni comments . “ Yes , these systems are known to be reliable but also a major barrier to new opportunities and often very expensive . Not to mention those folks are retiring , and those skill sets are going away fast . The question today is how we fix that in a way that doesn ’ t break the bank and increase risk , yet drives the agility and the new opportunities all companies want to accelerate . You need to have domain expertise on both sides of the coin here to win .
“ That is digital integration , and that ’ s where we are right now . That ’ s what ’ s painful , that ’ s what ’ s hard . That ’ s what can be expensive and high risk . And to achieve that , you need an experienced partner . At Eviden , we can be your trusted partner in this journey end-to-end .” However , as Sinni warns , there is no “ silver bullet solution ” when it comes to digital integration .
“ To lift and shift something into the cloud is arguably straightforward ,” he says , “ but making that work with low toil , making it compliant , and making it tie into the heritage systems with low friction is very , very hard .”
The five ‘ S ’ s of migrating from legacy platforms When it comes to migrating from legacy platforms , digital transformation or
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