cloud – fundamentally in control of every aspect on the chain . This gives them a lot of flexibility , as well as the power to adapt to the customer ' s needs and to react quickly in case any changes are required .
Balaci adds : “ This full vertical integration eliminates a lot of restrictions . For example we are not limited to the power in a rack . As we actually own the data centre , we can quite easily go in and assign more power to a particular zone or more cooling to a particular area . We ' re even able to modify the local data centre infrastructure , if that ' s something that needs to happen .”
Software as a Service Then there is the SaaS model within EvoBits IT .
The idea is that a big part of the company is still focused on software development , making use of the skills of many great software developers who have been with the organisationfor a number of years . But , at the same time , EvoBits IT has shifted their approach into that of a service provider , focusing heavily on the hosting aspect of the business . One of the first examples would be the complete API builder .
Balaci says : “ You have a lot of mobile apps developers that are quite good at creating mobile apps , but all that data in the backend needs to be stored somewhere . Usually , what they do is contract other companies to build that for them . What we want is to have something similar to a website builder , but one that targets
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