Evo Bits Profile Report August 2022 | Page 14

that everything was strung up very tightly . The cooling equipment , especially , was working very close to its rated capacity , and we had to find solutions to understand how to optimise and distribute airflow to ensure that we didn ’ t have any hotspots . Initially , this took a while , but we can say that we ' ve gone from something that was very tightly strung – where any issues would ' ve led to major concerns during operation – to where we are now , which is an N + 1 situation where we can literally shut down some equipment and still continue to be operational without a hitch .”
As things progressed and Radulescu ’ s role evolved into one more involved with operations , they found that they needed to define numerous procedures to ensure that they have systems in place to record and document activities , and track all tasks – both internal and external – to optimise their workflow .
IT service expansions : challenges and opportunities IT expansions do , of course , come with their own sets of challenges . Asked about their own particular kind , Balaci says that they found them to fall into three categories – the first of these being global supply issues .
“ If we take just network cards as an example , if we were to source them through the direct channels , we would have to wait up to a year in some cases . So we had to adapt by trying to find other suppliers for those particular parts , but even so , nothing really comes quicker than three months – and , in a company where we are trying to be as agile as possible , that means trying to think ahead by buying and keeping things in stock so that , when a customer has a particular requirement , we are able to offer them a solution on the spot . This has been one of our biggest strengths , because we took that risk to buy ahead . We were , many times , the only ones in the local market who could provide , let ' s say a specialised custom server within one week . Instead of waiting three months , most of the time we had everything we needed ready .”
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