Evo Bits Profile Report August 2022 | Page 9

Attack the bottleneck


In hosting , one of the biggest challenges you encounter is how to balance your resources . Most of the time , there are 4 major resource pools to handle : CPU , Memory , Storage , Bandwidth .
CPU : this is where most people look at rst , but where few hit the performance ceiling . Since the general perception is that " more is better ", providers tend to signiicantly oversubscribe this resource pool . Due to the fact the customers generally overestimate their CPU needs , this resource pool rarely is a bottleneck .
Memory : probably the most " honest " resource pool ( with small exceptions ), what you get is what you have . Memory is generally easy to understand and hard to fake . The deenitions and tests are straightforward : you either have it and you can use it , or you don ' t . The impact of having too little memory is huge , so this is one area where it is much better to be safe than sorry . Storage : as opposed to Memory , Storage is probably the most " dishonest " resource pool and ... plus we offer many more options for you to choose from and customize ! * available only for B2B
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