before they ’ ve even picked a single pocket . “ It ’ s the kind of stuff where , if I told you 25 years ago , you wouldn ’ t even believe it . But we ’ re working on it , we ’ re proving it and we ’ re implementing it .”
Okada Manila is already benefitting from facial recognition when it comes to detecting banned patrons on its premises . Whether they are a prolific criminal , terrorism suspect or a responsible gaming risk , relevant individuals who are spotted by the facial recognition system will trigger an alert before security personnel escort them away .
However , like in all innovative technology departments , the team is constantly asking how they can go one step further ; in this case , how can they reduce the time it takes for a banned patron to be recognised and security personnel dispatched ?
The answer is facial recognition sunglasses which , granted , sounds a bit James Bond when you first hear it , but the technology is available .
Lorraway explains : “ Security personnel will wear the sunglasses attached to the facial recognition system and get an immediate alert when a wanted person approaches . Banned patrons won ’ t even get in the building .
“ It sounds like pie in the sky stuff , but we ’ ve already done it . We ’ ve tested the prototype , it works and we ’ re going to implement it – end of story . That ’ s another incredible thing in the pipeline .”
Licence plate recognition , vehicle IED scanning and privacy screening , which sees innocent parties automatically blurred out when incident footage is exported and viewed for legal purposes , are just some of the other processes being made substantially easier by AI and analytics . okadamanila . com 21