PwC Report July 2021 | Page 10

space . “ The incubation comes from the huge number of ideas from the business teams . They are working at the heart of the client ’ s problem . They understand what else is possible or how we can do things differently . The digital incubator is there to make a connection between content which is related to the market need or the functional need and the technology we would like to add to solve this problem . And this is how a start-up does it too .”
Clients are invited to get involved as early as possible in the process to foster a sense of co-creation , workshopping ideas for days to flesh out the details of specific problems . It ’ s a means of support for the client , too , all leading to the ideal software solution for the particular needs of a business .
Culture of adoption The deployment of these solutions is just the beginning . Once a technical software solution has been implemented , it must be used or the efficiencies will never materialise . For that , the culture of an organisation must change and employees must be inculcated into the digital journey that will secure their companies future in the digital age . PwC focuses “ very heavily ” on

“ If you ’ re using cloudnative solutions it ’ s easier to change from one solution to another . It ’ s also important to be scalable , flexible and more independent ”

SUSANNE ARNOLDY PARTNER , PWC mindset change . Susanne Arnoldy , Head of Digital Strategy for the advisory business in Germany says that nobody should underestimate the importance of this piece of work .
“ What ’ s best from our side is that we have established a network of change agents , our Digital Accelerators , across the firm to help the teams to adapt to technologies and find new creative solutions . We want to reach the way we want to do it and they are always part of that kind of transformation programme . This is an overall concept from the PwC network , not just in Germany , our Your Tomorrow programme .”
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