example , process mining , robotics and AI in a stable and robust technology , and they also work on expanding the experience and features they can offer to clients .”
Partnership matters Isolating a single partner that ticks many of the boxes clients want is one thing , but the increasingly complex world of partnership ecosystems must be more difficult to navigate ?
Arnoldy sees it differently . “ I don ’ t know if it ’ s more complicated so much as more diverse . More companies are looking for best of breed solutions and it depends on how the software is structured ; if you ’ re using cloud-native solutions it ’ s easier to change from one solution to another . It ’ s also important to be scalable , flexible and independent . It is going to be a more diverse , best of breed ecosystem and that ’ s why it ’ s important that customers concentrate on cloud-native solutions that are more independent compared with past solutions .”
For some partnerships PwC has gone the extra mile , taking up a shareholding in the company . That ’ s true of Adamos , an independent platform for mechanical and plant engineering , or the Digital Business University of Applied Science in Berlin . The latter ties neatly into PwC ’ s citizenled approach to learning and education in digital transformation .
“ More and more we are not just focusing on classical software partnerships but working in ecosystems and we are aligning with our clients ’ software providers ,” says Arnoldy . “ It ’ s really a partnership between customers , software providers and the consultancy firm .”
The future of consultancy When it comes to the future , PwC ’ s strategic direction is essential . For Arnoldy , it ’ s all about the expectation of the client . “ Our future is present ,” she says . “ Our goal is to deliver quality and trusted results to our clients , and the way we do it should follow the digitalisation road ahead .”
That brings us to the dual-pronged strategy at the heart of the company ’ s digital transformation . “ The foundation is authentic , business-led transformation programmes , and that leads us in two directions . Firstly , we need to digitalise the core way we do our job in the best way possible with the technology available . We need to deliver and ensure the quality
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