PwC Report July 2021 | Page 15


“ What ’ s best from our side is that we have established a network of change agents across the firm to help the teams to adapt to technologies and find new creative solutions and ways of working ”

functions , we can offer more and more of them in the future given the operating model we ’ ve been working on in the past couple of months . We can see a number of tasks and processes , which look at the heart of the client ’ s work , and they are looking for support . These kind of demands need external trusted providers and PwC would like to be such a provider for e . g . managed services . So we are digitalising the core and creating also new business models for our clients .
“ We find answers to even the most complex questions of our time , from strategy to implementation , to bring our clients into the digital age and help them to stay there . Or to find new portfolios , serving clients in different kinds of industries . That ’ s our focus as an advisory team .”
That ’ s the crux of PwC ’ s strategy : digital transformation from within and a truly consultative approach that breeds trust and finds solutions that are unique to client ’ s individual and sector needs . ‘ Inward looking ’ is not usually a term associated with business best practice , but when you are looking inwards with the intention of finding new skills and solutions that keep your clients ahead of the game and ready to face the future , that can only be a good thing . pwc . de / en . html 15