Saphyre Report September 2024 | Page 10


“ With a philosophy of interoperability , this means we ’ re a platform that aims to integrate with any of the existing tools our clients have ”

“ It was fine under T + 2 because you had a whole other trading day to get that sorted . Not with T + 1 . You either need more labour , or the right solutions to do it , seamlessly in real-time .”
Saphyre is now providing a way for these firms to complete the trade across any asset class . While it is true many tools exist on the market to solve real-time trade settlement , they are isolated – Saphyre brings it into one place with its operating systems , making the process the same for all .
“ Those that took part in Project Zero and saw the benefits of Saphyre X have given us a phenomenal response to how our solutions can solve these burning questions under T + 1 – and many are now trialling Saphyre X alongside Saphyre 1 ,” notes Gabino .
Saphyre : Approved by a ‘ shark ’ At a time when US trade must adhere to new regulatory standards , Saphyre ’ s services have received involvement from Canadian businessman and Shark Tank ‘ shark ’ Kevin O ’ Leary .
Known affectionately as Mr Wonderful or Maple Man , his involvement of Saphyre ’ s services befits the promise Saphyre X has in reliably delivering near real-time trade settlement .
“ It was somewhat of a surprise that he is interested in the space ,” says Stephen . “ We didn ’ t know if he would understand the nuances – but he ’ s highly engaged and interested in same-day settlement , as an investor in cryptocurrency firms .
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