services to leisure and hospitality , to manufacturing . “ Through that journey , I came across a number of biotech businesses and was struck by the differences in corporate culture across industries . I felt most at home in biotech .” Yunger found the vibe , interactions and culture to be something with which he was well aligned . Yet post-COVID-19 , he learned a lot more about the healthcare sector from an individual perspective , as well as from within the healthcare industry , and within the Servier Pharmaceutical company .
“ Moderna , J & J , and Pfizer played key roles from a COVID-19 vaccine perspective , but just as important were the frontline workers , particularly frontline healthcare workers . They are the unsung heroes that deserve a lot of credit , a lot of support and our gratitude for everything that they have gone through ,” said Yunger .
Yunger sees that technology has played a supporting role in this , particularly with
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