telemedicine and being able to allow patients to get access to care in ways pre-COVID-19 , the healthcare industry was less amenable to . “ I think that was a good silver lining from an industry perspective , out of an otherwise very difficult time .”
From a company perspective for Servier Pharmaceuticals , it was an accelerator for their digital transformation strategy . Although the company was making progress in a methodical way , the pandemic forced the healthcare industry to accelerate that roadmap and accomplish what Yunger thinks they probably would have done in a couple of years .
“ We had to get it done in a couple of months , because the organisation had to continue being productive and having people sit at home , not being able to do their jobs was not an option ,” said Yunger . “ It was an ‘ all hands on deck ’ moment , not just for Servier Pharmaceuticals , but really , for all companies . I was very grateful and impressed with my colleagues and my team being able to cross that gap in a very short period of time .”
From an individual perspective , Yunger was moved by the impact a lack of socialisation had , especially on his family . “ Just talking to colleagues and talking to friends and family , it was a very isolating time , particularly for teenagers . I have three kids , all three of whom were in middle school and in high school during the pandemic . It was very difficult for them .” Although video calls made an imperfect replacement for that socialisation , Yunger laments the impact of the isolation .
www . servier . us 9