TealBook Report September 2024 | Page 11


“ Quality supplier data is needed across systems and processes ”

to collect , verify , and enrich supplier data . Since then , the company has expanded its data foundation to pull more data at scale , fully automate that data and bring transparency and visibility into the quality of the data it is able to send back to customers .
Quality data : A foundational essential “ It all starts with quality data ,” Stephany says .
Many procurement organisations face challenges in securing high-quality data due to its vast quantity and dispersion across various systems within the organisation . The absence of centralisation leads to the creation of data silos , undermining the quality of the foundations of systems , processes and decisionmaking due to the lack of reliable data .
“ Quality supplier data is needed across systems and processes ,” Stephany emphasises .
Quality supplier data enables decisionmaking and gives visibility to the procurement team so it can fully optimise the investment made in suppliers and help the organisation achieve its goals . That could be improving margins , achieving ESG targets , mitigating risks , bringing innovation within the organisation or
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