Unipart Group Report October 2024 | Page 8

So , the outside world and the marketplaces in which we operate are starting to get a much clearer view and understanding of Unipart and what we can do to help them .
“ An evolution of all this is we ’ re developing plans to build the Unipart brand on a standalone basis – rather than the divisional approach we ’ ve had in the past .”
Adapting and evolving As has been the case for businesses big and small based all over the world , Unipart has been forced to overcome its fair share of obstacles over the past few years .
Darren cites the impact of Brexit ,
COVID-19 , the Suez Canal blockage , semiconductor supply issues and the conflict in Ukraine as the major global issues to have caused headaches , while , in the UK , ambiguity relating to the future of the rail network has had a significant impact .
“ We ’ ve had to adapt and respond to all of these challenges ,” he emphasises .
Fortunately , Unipart has a history of reinvention , with the ability to change and evolve an important part of its DNA .
“ What we ’ ve done is evolved our own supply chain and operating model ,” Darren continues . “ We ’ re now far more integrated and collaborative across the group , rather than working in silos .
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