Green Report September 2024 | Page 13


“ Over the past three decades , Green has built the expertise to successfully bring projects to fruition . This is what truly matters ”

design and fit into the urban development concept .”
He adds : “ Locations are carefully chosen so that we can implement the opportunities of the circular economy as efficiently as possible , as we do with waste heat utilisation and entire energy networks . However , as a data centre operator , we can ’ t do this alone . Such projects require extensive and forward-thinking cooperations between companies , authorities and consumers . It takes much more than just placing the next data centre on a greenfield site . This is the challenge , but also the fascination .”
Green is one of the pioneers in Switzerland in utilising waste heat and has been recognised for its achievements . The Metro-Campus Zurich , Green ’ s latest project , supplies waste heat to 11,500 households throughout the region and delivers cold in return . The solution is highly energy-efficient . Green initiated the project , brought the parties together and supported the development of the heating network . “ To ‘ Do the right thing ’ is our firm guiding principle . Even though it is challenging , I am convinced that this is the only right way . Our resources are precious and we must not let waste heat dissipate unused ,” Roger says .
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