OSF Health Care System Report July 2023 | Page 13

appointments or are likely to miss appointments and provides opportunities to get re-connected with important care . “ We ask if they need any support in making sure they ’ re able to reach those appointments ,” Foulger says . “ We have so many different channels to reach out to our patients . We ’ ve seen a 520 % increase in the response rate from our patients using different means and how we connect with them . We ’ ve also seen increased responses in some of the screening metrics for Medicaid patients .”
As Foulger asserts , Medicaid patients are often the most vulnerable : “ In terms of
getting access to care , we ’ ve doubled our mammogram rates of patient compliance since we ’ ve used digital means to connect with them , communicate and engage .”
Increased accessibility has also enhanced the patient experience at OSF . The two-way targeted communication allows the organisation to help patients know their health challenges and become more engaged in their own care .
“ With this technology solution , there ’ s always another person at the end that they can connect to if they need support ,” said Foulger . osfhealthcare . org 13