University of Michigan Health West Profile Report November 2022 | Page 10

attention on patients because they ' re always entering data or trying to find data ,” he adds .
“ We ' re looking at how our technologies either help automate or streamline clinical and business workflows so , as humans , we can spend more time connecting with our patients and with our community . And that ' s key for us , leveraging the technology to drive that connection as opposed to leveraging technology to reduce connection .”
Benefits of seamless technology How the organisation manages its digital transformation strategy is critical , to ensure all the areas of the organisation see the same benefits of seamless technology , explains Wilda .
“ We want an experience for our patients , providers , all of our customers , to be one that ' s seamless , one that they don ' t feel handoffs between technologies in either the care pathways or business pathways ,” he comments .
“ Platform technologies allow us to even be more interoperable with what we provide . They might not be the best in a single system approach , but the overall experiences are even better for our end users .”
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