University of Michigan Health West Profile Report November 2022 | Page 14

he describes . “ We also know that patients like to be communicated with differently , whether it ’ s texting , email or by phone . It allowed us to add a personal touch to the communications , ensuring that our hightouch , personal culture came through within the technology .
“ So when we were out looking for a new platform that was scalable , that we could do a lot more things with , we found Tavoca , one that was deeply rooted in a partnership relationship , wanting to understand how healthcare was changing , and how they can continue to innovate .”
The implementation helped reduce the hospital ’ s no-show rate - which had been between 10 and 12 % - dramatically , Wilda says .
“ Implementing Tavoca and the different platforms that they ' re able to provide to us , we actually dropped our no-show rate by 5 % within the first three-to-five months of using that system ,” he adds . “ And it ' s stayed at steady levels which showed us that , again , it ' s not just communicating , it ' s the way you communicate that impacts the patient best .”
And through Smart Source , the reselling vendor of Tavoca , the organisation is looking at other solutions to boost patients ’ experiences such as call centre technologies .
“ We are looking at Smart Source to potentially provide us with other solutions that they know will integrate all together , to meet that experience ,” adds Wilda . “ It feels , it talks to you in the same language , it has those integrations .”
Expanding the right type of care In a post-pandemic world , where patients are increasingly treated outside of the hospital ’ s ‘ bricks-and-mortar ’ setting , the organisation is looking at expanding how it offers care with the right technologies .
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