the patient , they review the information later on and edit if needed and accept it .”
A key use of technology in the future , Wilda says , will be the automation of a lot of functions that put the data-capturing burden on individuals .
“ How can we automate those things so we can spend more time with patients and providers ?,” he concludes .
“ I think right now there is that scepticism of what is governance , our innate human desire for job security . You know , we hear this a lot . ‘ You ' re gonna use artificial intelligence to end my career as a doctor ’.
“ No , it ' s to build artificial intelligence to provide you insights . So your human sentient being of caring can really be maximised when it needs to be with called out insights to key pieces of information using AI ,” he concludes . “ And , then how can we embed those insights in the user ' s workflows so it feels natural and easy to access ?
“ It is more so about embedding it in the workflow so it feels more natural . So the care with patients feels more natural . So I think that in the next , at least 18 months , you ' re gonna see this big uptick in the use of artificial intelligence in the healthcare industry .”
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