Virgin Media Ireland | Page 16

VIRGIN MEDIA IRELAND also benefits our customers ,” John comments . “ Their ability to test and bring scale to the table so that we deliver the best solutions possible is an obvious advantage .”
When it comes to Virgin Media Ireland ’ s three-phase digital transformation plan , Infosys is the prime system integrator of the programme , managing the governance of each programme . It takes on the responsibility of delivery , particularly when it comes to customer order management , billing and the digital space .
“ They essentially make sure that the demand coming towards our technology teams is properly structured , architected and fed off to the other teams ,” John explains .
On the other hand , Prodapt is responsible for delivering transformation around service assurance , provisioning , and Intelligent OSS , so they are closer to the network . Prodapt came in with their open source accelerators , which have become an integral part of our tech stack .. John explains that having two complementary roles in this way has worked well as Virgin Media Ireland has navigated relationships between the two partners .
“ If a process has a mechanism by which we fully link everything we do to that business need , then whatever
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